How Effective Is CASA?
When A Child Has A CASA Advocate, They Are More Likely To...
Find a safe, permanent home
More likely to be adopted
Half as likely to re-enter foster care
Substantially less likely to spend time in long-term foster care
More likely to have a plan for permanency
Have a consistent, responsible adult presence
Volunteers spend significantly more time with the child than a paid guardian ad litem.
Have fewer moves from home to home
CASA volunteers improve representation of children.
Reduce the time needed by lawyers
More likely than paid lawyers to file written reports
For each of 9 duties, judges rated CASA/GAL volunteers more highly than attorneys
Highly effective in having their recommendations adopted by the court
Get more help while in the system
More services are ordered for children with CASA volunteerings advocating for them.
Spend less time in foster care
“It is quite remarkable that children without CASA involvement are spending an average of over eight months longer in care, compared to children having CASA involvement.”
Do better in school
More likely to pass all courses
Less likely to have poor conduct in school
Less likely to be expelled